School is starting and you are preparing to be a Virtual Teacher.  Who would have thought?  Have you picked a platform.  Are you Google Meet...
Will you be starting out the school year with distance learning or a hybrid model?   Are you wondering what tools you will need to be succes...
Developing fine motor skills early on is crucial for children. So many children are coming to school without their fine motor skills develop...
I love books, if you were to see my classroom library you would understand.   My Amazon cart is always full of books.  As a teacher I have a...
Yes, you read that correctly- Kindergarten and social distancing- It might sound like an oxymoron to some.  Can kindergarten students really...
The end of the school year is near.  However this year looks different from past years.  This year so many of us are teaching from home.  Ma...
Teachers, we are all facing something we have never faced before.  Many teachers are scrambling to find lessons to send home or teach remote...
It's that time of year when teachers are reviewing and assessing.  Sometimes I feel like all I ever to is assess.  I am so thankful my d...