No matter how much planning and prepping we do to make the first day back-to-school special and memorable, something always seems to go wr...
It has been over a year since I have posted a project on Donor's Choose. This year I decided that my project would be for a laser Printe...
Are you getting ready to go back to school?  Silly question I know.  Sometimes it is hard to turn off our teacher brain.  I will be making t...
It's almost time to go back to school.  While teachers are running around trying to find that deal at Office Depot, Target and Big Lots ...
This time of year most of us are busy, planning, pacing out our year and prepping our materials.  I can't believe I start back in just a...
Yep, you read it right, todays blog post is highlighting what I have free on my TpT.  If you were involved with my Teacher Facebook Friend...
Hey friends today I'm handing over my blog to the fabulous Mary Amoson from Sharing Kindergarte n.   She is an amazing presenter who is...
You know these funny little pictures you see floating around Facebook and Pinterest, we see them and we laugh and nod our head.  Well I'...