Hey friends today I'm handing over my blog to the fabulous Mary Amoson from Sharing Kindergarten. She is an amazing presenter who is truly passionate about using technology in the classroom. She told me about Plickers last year, but I was apprehensive and I put it on the back burner. I think she has me convinced to jump in and give it a try. Read on to learn more about this fun and engaging assessment tool.
Hi friends! This is
I am so BLESSED to be given the chance to blog with you all about a passion of mine...
using technology to make our jobs easier and better!
Let me tell you about a FREE app I love called PLICKERS.
This is an easy way to have fun with your class and assess them at the same time.
Each student gets a paper clicker... called a PLICKER.
Then you ask your students a question.
They turn their card to show their answer.
THEN you open up your app and it turns on the camera function on your smart device.
Your camera "reads" their answer and records it!
You can read more about this app {here}.
This link takes you to my blog where I have a video
to SHOW YOU how I set up my Plickers for little ones.
How can I convince you to TRY plickers in your classroom?
Esp if you have little ones like Kinders...
I top 5 reasons to try PLICKERS!
You only need one smart device in your classroom to do this!
Why? Many of you guys are not one to one.
A lot of you guys don't even have a school purchased device.
But, you guys CAN use your own iPad and iPhone with this.
And you are the only one who has to have a device!
All the info it gathers is stored online,
so it doesn't take a lot of storage from you own device either.
The app is free.
The website you use to set up the cards and assign them per student is free.
You can even print the cards for free.
There is NO COST.
You can even retrieve the data at no cost.
It is easy to prep these cards.
You can prep them ONCE and use them all year.
Just make sure you make a few extras...
just in case a friend or two looses one.
If you do use my Assess for Success Packs,
you can use these cards even easier and faster.
One of the most important reasons to use PLICKERS
is because it makes a game of giving pre and post assessments.
Most of my students don't know I am actually figuring out what they already know about a topic...
or what they know about what we learned.
I also through in older games to make sure remember those skills!
When we play we giggle and laugh a lot.
Then we focus on the question I give...
then we show our answer.
This is also stress free for me.
I am plan ahead- OR I can fill in a few extra minutes of time with a quick game.
Sometimes I start asking my students questions about rhyming words,
but I quickly figure out I need to ask a new question or a follow up question,
And the most important reason your administration wants you to use this app...
It keeps up with the data for you.
You get a really easy to read graph
Here are some examples I took from my data.
The top graph show you how many students answered the
SUBTRACTION 29 question correctly.
I can see that we prob need to go over that problem again
since only 58% of my students missed that question.
When I click on the question,
I can see a detailed report of the question.
On the far right, I can print the responses.
What you can't see is the detailed list it gives me of each students' answer.
I won't show that for student confidentiality reasons.
As I scan the cards, I see instantly the same data.
Since this app keeps it for me,
I don't have to write it down myself.
I have tons of Assess for Success packs ready to make giving assessments
using this format so easy!
Check out this preview of the Initial Sounds Pack so you can see how the cards are formatted!
You simple hold up the cards and your students turn their plickers to give their answer.
And you can and will assess your whole class on initial sounds
in MINUTES with one on one data!!!
Here is a shot at some of the other titles!
You can see all of the topics in the series here.
I hope you decide to TRY PLICKERS in your classroom!
I know you will love it!
After reading this aren't you convinced that you just have to try it. I know my kids will love it and the best part is they will be having fun and won't even know they are being assessed.

I love Plickers! I also can't wait to use your initial sound cards - Thanks for sharing!
A tip for ya or anyone reading this - once you print the students names on the back of their Plicker card, place it in a quart size ziploc bag. Works just as good as a laminated card. Make sure the A is at top of zip.
I just learned about Plickers and cannot wait to use in my class. How do I use the Assess for Success with the program. Am I able to download the questions? I need help. :)
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