It is our turn to decorate the office bulletin board, so I decided to use our Thankful Turkey creativity.  Yesterday we created the Turkey p...
Yikes, I have been MIA- It happens every November for me, I get the crud.  It started last week with laryngitis and moved to a severe cold, ...
Come this Friday I will be very thankful for 9 days of sleeping in, which translates to 6:30AM, drinking my coffee in my pajamas and getting...
The end of the semester is tomorrow, then next week will be a mad dash to finish all of my assessments.  Come 3:00 Friday the 22nd I will of...
My class has the job of decorating the office bulletin board this month.  I would have picked December, but it was already taken.  For some ...
Many of you know that I went to New York last August to spend a few days at Scholastic.  I currently write a weekly blog post that posts on ...
This is the time of year when everything seems to pile on me at once.  Right now I have assessments, parent -teacher conferences, report car...
Here are a few things I'll be doing next week with my Kinders.  Thanks for following.  Just click the picture to get your copy.