Setting up and creating a successful writing center in kindergarten takes time and practice.  The writing center in kindergarten in somethin...
Oh how I love back to school books.  It's not easy finding the perfect book to read, especially if you are a brand new teacher.  Choosin...
No matter how much planning and prepping we do to make the first day back-to-school special and memorable, something always seems to go wr...
A few weeks ago I found a few great items at the Target Dollar Spot.  This time of year they always have fabulous teacher must haves.  Of c...
During the summer I spend a lot of time planning and preparing for that First Day of School. There are so many behind the scenes preparatio...
Hip, Hip Hooray, I survived my first day.  Only a few kids shed tears, no one wet their pants and no one got lost.  I say it was a FABULOUS...