Must Have Teacher Tools ESGI GIVEAWAY

Must Have Monday Teacher Tools, ESGI Giveaway, Teacher Assessments, Time4kindergartenHappy Monday- can you believe it is the last week of October?  Where did this month go?  This week I decided to do a recap of my Must Have Monday Teacher Tools.  When looking back at my stats, It seems that the biggest response I received was during week 3 for my blog post on ESGI.   It wasn't a big surprise to me.  What teacher wouldn't want a time-saving tool that can cut countless hours off their time assessing students and put them back in the classroom where they need to be doing that they are meant to do- TEACH KIDS to LOVE LEARNING!!!!

I don't know about you, but I know this is going to be one crazy week for me. Rain is in the forecast0 yipee- we really need it, we have pumpkin experiments to do and we are bringing out the iPads too. We will be ending the week with a costume parade and our school will have a Halloween carnival on Saturday.

With all the excitement for the little kids, how about some trick-or-treating for us teachers.  The fabulous people from ESGI have generously offered a one year subscription to one of my fabulous Time 4 Kindergarten followers.
esgi giveaway, kindergarten assessments, time4kindergarten
One Lucky Winner  will receive a year subscription to ESGI.
Anyone can sign-up for a FREE 60 Day Trial of ESGI 
Be sure to use the code B9285.  
esgi giveaway, kindergarten assessments, time4kindergarten
You can also use that same code and get $40 off the year subscription- making it only $159.
To enter just see below…

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here are the other weeks in case you missed them.  Week 5 and week 2 were quite popular as well.
I hope you survive the week. 
Be thankful Halloween is followed by Sunday and that Sunday has 25 hours this week.


photogirl727 said...
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photogirl727 said...

We do too many assessments to count. Both reading and math progress checks at least 5 times a year in addition to report card assessments!

Unknown said...

I feel like all we do is assess. We do Dibels/TRC 3 x a year, progress reports and report cards quarterly. We now have 6 Cycle assessments a year for literacy, writing and math.

Karyn said...

I'm not sure if I can count that high! Just kidding! In Kindergarten we do Dibels Next three times per year. I do progress monitoring assessments bi-weekly. I also assess for IEP (it's staggered) often!

Jennifer K. said...

We assess at least every quarter!


Laura Park said...

We have DIBELS also and K Checklist which is the math assessment. We have to give writing assessments too.

Unknown said...

Too many assessments between formative and summative assessments. Aimsweb letter names and sounds, with progress monitoring and the CPAA three times a year. Plus Access and our new PERA testing. Poor Kindergarteners. They need to play b

Cindy said...

Too many assessments to count. PALS 3X a year, AMC is ongoing, and PALS quick checks are ongoing. Progress monitoring and formative and summative assessments too.

Learning with Mrs. Langley said...

We use DIBELS also so that's 3 times a year but I progress monitor weekly. I've done the trial for ESGI and I love it!

Easy Teaching Tools said...

Way too many assessments! We do 3 per week for phonics, comprehension, and math. Then when we add on the district assessments, it feels like a million!

Unknown said...

Constantly assessing!

Cherry said...

I am constantly assessing! I just used ESGI today to check in with my students! LOOOVE it! It has made assessing so much easier!

Maria Youngblut said...

We assess every quarter for math and literacy.

Unknown said...

We have an essential skills test that must be performed monthly as well as a paper assessment for almost every reading and math standard under CCSS.

Denise Hobbs said...

We do STAR testing once a month, Literacy First testing 3 times a year, and then I do quick assessments every Friday to check on math and literacy skills.

Anonymous said...

I am using the free trial ESGI and I love it. I hope to buy the full subscription around Christmas. OR maybe I will win the freebie. It is a great tool.

Unknown said...

I feel like I am constantly playing catch up with my testing! I never get to teach. Winning this would be a dream come ture!

Unknown said...

I assess formally 3 times per year but do several others weekly. :)

Mary McGough said...

We do 12 for report cards and three MAPSfor reading and math per year

Unknown said...

We do 3 pre and post assessments every week in language arts, and topic/task assessments in Science and Math every week. I test for letter recognition every week, and sight words, too. We test at the end of chapters in math and throughout the week in reading and language arts for grade book grades. Most of the mini assessments are just for the admins who want us use data to organize our small and intervention groups. We do MAP testing three times a year.

Nicki said...

We do weekly assessments plus several others here and there throughout each quarter. They stress me out as I don't know what to do with the other children while I'm doing assessments. As a first year kindergarten teacher, I was surprised to find out how much assessment I would need to do.