For those of you who don't know what RCA is- it is the Ron Clark Academy.  When I told co-workers where I was headed they had no idea wh...
Lakeshore has done it again!.  I was more than thrilled when they asked me to review one of there newest products.  I have a big bucket of o...
W hen I think back to the first few weeks of school and only a handful of my kindergartners could even recognize numbers, I'm just amaze...
I survived the 100th day of school!!!  It was a huge day for us and really rushed at the end.  We planned way too much, but the kids lov...
January is the perfect time to teach about polar animals. I begin by reading two books,  National Geographics Penguins and Ice Bear to in...
In just a few weeks I will be one of 50 Bloggers touring the EDexpo 2015 in Atlanta, GA.  I am super excited to have been chosen for this am...
In kindergarten celebrating the 100th day of school is kind of a big deal.  I'm lucky that I teach at a K-2 primary school, so the 100th...
Valentine's Day is only a few short weeks away.  Every year I give my class the assignment of creating a Valentine's box at home and...
Good morning all.  It is Wednesday here and of course I am up before the sun.  I'm trying to catch up on a few things before I hurry off...
Subitizing seems to be on the front burner of math circles lately.  It means" instantly recognizing how many". Children who have t...