Being a kindergarten teacher, I am often a parents first school experience.  This means they don't always understand that they need to...
We are settling in, we have learned routines and boy is it nice.  Today my kindlers came in, turned in their homework, loaded their binder w...
Although we've only been in school 18 days, we have already started our Interactive Calendar Notebooks. So far, it has been great.  I wa...
Last year (2013) when  I was at the ITeachK conference in Las Vegas, I met Sandy.  She's a fellow kindergarten teacher who had come up ...
Who doesn't love play-doh?  My favorite is the homemade kind.  I have the best recipe ever.  I actually think the recipe came from my mo...
Although it is a short week, it still feels long.  We have been in school for 11 days.  Routines are starting to take shape.  I'm lovin...
I love apps that make my life easier.  Recently I found a few apps that make using my laptop with PPT presentations even easier.  I used to ...