Can you believe it, it is July.  That means I have already been out of school for an entire month. Hard to believe that in just a few short ...
In less than 1 week, I'll be in Las Vegas at the I Teach K conference followed by the first ever Teachers Pay Teachers conference.  Re...
It's Throwback Thursday and I'm linking up with Second Grade Shenanigans. I've been doing Math Work Stations for 4 years now.  ...
I am BACK! from vacation.  We took the kids to Disneyland to celebrate their graduations.  We had a ton of fun! We splurged and stayed at ...
It is time for another bright idea.  As I was looking around my classroom to find the inspiration for this months Bright Idea post, I i...
"Twas the night before the last day of school, and Mrs. Mugurussa was dragging her husband through the .99¢ store. When what to my wond...