A little Vegas goes a l-o-o-o-o-g way…  just saying'  Seven days was way too long for this girl. The days are starting to blend together...
Getting kindergartners to line up is often like herding cats.  So many haven't a clue on what it means to be in a straight line.  So man...
July is already here- how did that happen?  I'll be celebrating this holiday with fabulous friends.  This year we have two parties to at...
Can you believe it, it is July.  That means I have already been out of school for an entire month. Hard to believe that in just a few short ...
In less than 1 week, I'll be in Las Vegas at the I Teach K conference followed by the first ever Teachers Pay Teachers conference.  Re...
It's Throwback Thursday and I'm linking up with Second Grade Shenanigans. I've been doing Math Work Stations for 4 years now.  ...
I am BACK! from vacation.  We took the kids to Disneyland to celebrate their graduations.  We had a ton of fun! We splurged and stayed at ...