I hope everyone is feeling the appreciation from their school community the week.  Tomorrow our PTA is giving us a luncheon and then our Edu...
Last week we had Open House.  I'm sad to say that only 8 of my families attended.  I think I had more former students come to visit me. ...
As a teacher I am always looking for things to make my life easier.  My classroom is my second home. I want it to be comfortable and cozy.  ...
We kicked off our ABC Countdown to summer vacation last Thursday.  Art day and Bubble day were a huge success.  We had handprint butterflies...
Have you noticed anything different?  I have had a blog make-over.  I am so excited about the new look.  I have a new blog button and a new ...
I came across this cute little "must have" accessory called pursecase.  It is exactly what the name says it is- it's a purse a...
Today is our first day of our ABC Countdown to Summer.  Being that it is A rt Day, we will be creating some butterfly art.  We will be water...
We have less than 30 days to go, YIKES! It is time for me to start making my end of the year Kindergarten Memory DVD.  I've been taking ...
We are anxiously awaiting our shipment of butterflies from Insect Lore.  Our PTA generously purchased a kit for every class in our school.  ...