End of the Year Kindergarten Memory DVD

Every year I make my students Kindergarten Memory DVD.  It includes day to day photos of all the events and activities we do though out the school year in kindergarten.  I put it together before our Open House night and have it playing while students and families tour the school.  I continue adding photos up until the weekend before school lets out.
I use iMove and iDVD to create my video.  I have a playlist already set in iTunes that I import once all the photos are in place.  I begin the slideshow with the photos I took on the first day using my Large photo frame. with the letter K attached.  I end the slideshow with photos I take at the end of the year.  I use PowerPoint to create the text for the photos and then save those as images before importing into iMovie.
first day of school photo, kindergarten,kindergarten memory book
last day of school photo, kindergarten photo

Each year I add a personalized DVD cover to their jewel case.  You can download an editable version here.
end of school year dvd, memory dvd
I ordered my DVD cases from Amazon.  They have clear and colored cases.

I've been collecting songs over the years to use.  I've finally compiled them into a playlist that I can use for our Kindergarten Memory DVD.  
school dvd play list, kindergarten memory dvd

We watch the DVD during the last few days of school before we do our final writing project. I ask my students to write about something did in in kindergarten using the starting sentence frame In Kindergarten….   Once they are written, we illustrate them and then I make them into a book.  The following school year i read that book to the next group of kindergartners.

I can't believe how quickly the school has gone by. We only have a few weeks left and lots of activities to fill up the days.  I will be taking a ton of photos from now until that last wee to add to my end of the year kindergarten memory DVD.  I know this kindergarten memory DVD will be something my students and their families treasure for years to come.


Lenore said...

I've never made a memory DVD before. You have a lot of songs you're using so do you just use snippets of eaach song? Thanks!

Tiffani said...

Hi Lenore, I don't use all of the songs. I usually use about 8 of these. This is just a list of songs that I can pick from each year.

Anonymous said...

I have a Mac and I have pictures on IMovie but, one of our tech people told me she didn't think we had all of the editing technology. So I should just use the pictures from iMovie in PowerPoint. Is that feasible? I make a dad but, every year I forget how and have to find another way and last year we didn't have Mac's.

Tiffani said...

Hi Maskedraiderfan--I take all my photos and place them in a folder within iPhoto called Kindergarten. These are the pictures I want to use. Next I put them into iMovie. Then I import my music. Once they are in iMove I go to the Share tab and select iDVD. I import it into iDVD select my theme add my text and burn the DVD. Then I continue brining DVD's until finished with a class set. I hope that helps.

Megan said...

What font did you use for the name? I am a font junkie and that is one I have not seen before. I love it!

Tiffani said...

Hi Megan, I used KG I Like to Move it for the boys, KG Only Hope for the girls names and Janda Closer to Free

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I will try that. We have a field trip so I'm keeping this short.

Unknown said...

if you don't have a MAC what do you use?

Tiffani said...

Hi Yaremi, Many people use Windows Media player I believe. My friend over at One Sharp Bunch has a tutorial http://onesharpbunch.com/2016/05/end-of-year-video-tutorial-part-1-movie.html

Michele said...

What about copyright issues with giving a DVD
to each family?

Tiffani said...

Hi Michelle, What are referring to by copyright issues? All of the photos belong to me as I took all of them.

Michele said...

I meant the songs you use. Thanks