Name Tags

How do you label your students the first few days of school?  I've always made cute name tags, laminated them, hole punched and added yarn to hang around their necks.  One of the problems with this, there are many, is that they chew on their tags, the tags get caught in their hair, they rip or the yarn comes undone.  This year while cruising the office supply aisle at Walmart, I found these. Name Badge Holders and Clips
 I knew I could use these for name tags. When I returned home, I searched on-line for name tag stickers.  I found these at Walmart on-line.  I wanted something I could run through my printer.  I'm not a fan of my own handwriting and really just prefer cute and fun fonts.  I ordered the labels; they were super cheap 100 labels for $2.15.  The bonus is they have this cute red border.  They also come in other colors as well.
Kindergarten Name Tags
My dilemma was what do I do with the sticky backside once I printed the labels?. I reached for the black card stock, measured, cut the card stock 3"x 2 3/4" and voila!!! 
Kindergarten Name Tags
Kindergarten Name TagsKindergarten Name Tags


Kindertrips said...

These look great! I am planning a post about nametags too-I agree about the necklaces. I always worry that they will choke themselves.

Tiffani said...

Thanks- I have a second post ready to go that is a follow up to these. I just worry about having my posts be too long. Can't wait to read yours.

Kimberlee Fulbright said...
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Kimberlee Fulbright said...

I have tried everything, and our cafeteria like the lanyards the best, as they take them off the students quickly as they go through lunch line (we have their name & lunch numbers on them to help them remember). I had to purchase new nametags & lanyards for this coming year - I think they arrived to the school & cannot wait to check them out! Cute labels, btw:)

~ Kimberlee ~
Two Fulbright Hugs
Teacher TimeSavers

Tiffani said...

Kimberly,I'd love to hear more about how your school does the lunch system Ours is archaic- we still have tickets.

Anonymous said...

I really like this idea. I always just stick them to the kiddos shirts and they end up taking them off before the end of the day. I like the idea of using them at lunch. My kids have to remember their lunch number and punch it in the computer. They always forget and it takes forever.

I nominated you for an award! Buzz by to pick it up=)
The Busy Busy Hive

Anonymous said...

After 30 years in kindergarten, I used these last year & it was wonderful! Wal-Mart is the best price as well!

Michelle Rist said...

Love this idea for name tags! I can not stand the way they suck on the strings of lanyards! YUCK!

Our school has the lunch number thing too. They wouldn't let us put the numbers on their names tags though b/c of privacy issues (weird, I I know). So we put their names and number on a jumbo craft stick. (Each class used a different colored stick so they don't get mixed up) The first few weeks as they are just learning the line routine they just hand the stick to the lunch lady. We practice punching in our numbers in the classroom and then when kids are ready we throw a rubber band on the stick so the lunch lady knows the kid is ready to try it himself. Usually within 4-6 weeks we can get rid of the sticks b/c the kids have the numbers memorized.

Heading to Wal-Mart online right now to check out those name tags!

Tiffani said...

Michelle- you can only get them for the cheap price at the store.

Unknown said...

Those look great! Our nametags are on hard laminate so we use just the clips through a hole in the tag. The school provides them but the downside is we have to hand write everything onto them.

:) Nancy
Nancy @ Joy of Life 2011