Time 4 Calendar

Yes, I know it isn't September yet, but I like to be ahead.  Tomorrow is our official teacher work day and then students arrive Tuesday at 8:15- all 32 of them.  I have 16 boys and 16 girls and of those 32 little darlings- 12  YES 12 of them will still be 4 years old.

So, because I like to be ahead- here is the September calendar I will be using.
Download your copy here


Ms. Wold said...

Oh my! I feel for you! I can't imagine having 32 kiddos. . . I have 17. . . .and only 1 is still 4 (his birthday is tomorrow - our first day)

✪ Miss W

Miss W Teaches

LeAnne Cooper said...

WOW. 32?! And I think 22 is too many! Do you have any additional help in your room?
Thanks for the calendar, I think I'll be using it with my kiddos! Do you plan on adding each month as you go along?
Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper

Tiffani said...

LeAnne Yes, i hope to add the hoers soon. As for the help, maybe some parent help and ELD push in a few times a week. Sometimes we get college kids needing hours before they apply to the credential program.

Mrs. Shelton said...

Oh my goodness. 32?????? And no aide??? I am so very lucky!!! Hope you have a good year!

Kindergarten Korner

luvzenkms2(Leea) said...

Holey Moley....when is your date cut off..when I was a kid it was Dec 1st. Now it is Sept 1st (to be 5 by) In my labs I do see 100 kids(not counting my am reading groups) if that makes you feel better....Starting today (cst) full day ....Thanks for the calendar :)

Tiffani said...

Our cut off is Dec. @. NExt year November, then it will roll the following year to October.

grace said...

I will not complain about my class of 27! Bless your heart!!! You sound like you have a good handle on it though!
Best of luck with your new school year!

Miss Yarzabek said...

Best of luck this year! I can't imagine 32 kiddos! Thanks for posting your September calendar!

Barbara L said...

Thanks for the calendar.
Grade ONEderful

Teaching 123's & ABC's said...

Love your blog! I just read your profile and see you teach in No Cal. I too am in NoCal, Sacramento area. Wondering which area you are from? Have a great school year!
