Valentines Day Family Box Projects

February is a busy month for many kindergarten classrooms.  For me, it means celebrating the 100th day of school one week and Valentine's day the following week.  Oh, and Family Science Night is somewhere in the middle of all of that.  #tiredteacher.
valentine's day family box project

I like Valentine's day to be fun and STRESS-FREE.  I learned a few tricks along the way.  So, if you are a first-year kindergarten teacher- READ CAREFULLY.

Do NOT give a student list of names.  No matter how much the parents ask you for one.  Your kids can't write them or read them.  It takes WAY TO LONG for kindergarteners to pass out Valentines with names on them.

Instead, I send home a brief note explaining to parents you will be celebrating, but to only send in cards with their child's name signed on them.  Then when it is time for the cards to be passed out, The kids simply drop a card in to each students' box- easy peasy. Another trick is to line all the boxes up in a row across the tables so no boxes are missed.  I usually put on a movie and call up several kids at a time to pass out their cards.

Now for the fun part- We do a Family Box project. Each child is asked to create a box at home with their family.  Some families really get into this.  I also check in with my students to make sure they all have supplies.  If I find out someone doesn't, I send home a few sheets of paper, some stickers, and a box.  I also always have a few extra pre-made boxes on hand just in case someone doesn't bring one.  We have the boxes due a few days before Valentine's day, that way,  anyone who doesn't do it on time, actually still has time to finish it.

I am always amazed at the creativity of the boxes.  The feedback I get from the parents is always great.  Many of the families tell me how much they really enjoyed making the boxes with their children.

You can find this activity in my TpT shop.
Valentine's Day Box Project Family take home

I can't wait to see what my families share this year.  I know they will be AMAZING!!

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