I have a student who I must give very specific directions to. This student has a difficult time sitting close to other students on the carpet. After placing the bouncy band on the chair, I explained to the student that the special band was only for his chair; and he could sit in his chair any time he liked. After a few days of having the bouncy band on the chair I noticed that the student was choosing to sit in his seat more often when we were sitting on the carpet. As a kindergarten teacher I do a lot of direct instruction from the carpet area. However for students who have a difficult time sitting still or too close to other students, sitting on the carpet can be an impossible task.
My student is choosing to sit in his chair. He is making the choice for himself. There are times when I am making that choice for my student, but the majority of the time, my student will tell me, "I am going to sit in my chair now." Almost every time when I look to see what my student is doing, his feet are on the band. He is constantly moving; the bouncy band allows him to move about even when he is sitting and working.
The second band was placed on the chair of a student who continuously kicks her feet or swings her legs. Sitting across from her during small group time requires shin guards. The bouncy band has helped to keep her legs from swinging outward. I've been working with her to push downward with her feet rather than outward.
Thanks to such a simple solution, two of my most active students have started to settle in during work time and one actually prefers his chair over sitting on the carpet. Each year our Education Foundation funds grants to classrooms, Bouncy Bands will be on my grant list this year. For those who write grants for Donors Choose, this would be a great Donors Choose project.
The Bouncy Bands website has a section for those who need ideas or photos or your Donors Choose project. Bouncy Bands Donors Choose Page.
Bouncy Bands were recently featured on the Dr. Oz show- how cool is that.
Dr. Oz supports active learning!
Dr. Oz, Thanks for supporting active learning! I appreciate what you had to say about Bouncy Bands! Please share.
Posted by Bouncy Bands on Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Here's a quick video of how they work brought to you by Scott the inventor of Bouncy Bands.
Thanks Scott and Bouncy Bands for allowing me to test such an amazing product.

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