Countdown to Summer

Yes, it is that time of year where teachers are beginning the countdown to summer.  For me it is 26 days of FUN!!!  When we begin, we are in celebration mode.  It is about making the last few weeks of school memorable, exciting and educational.  For me, the countdown begins April 30th.  I have created an editable document that you can use.  the activities are already designed all you need to do is add your own dates.  Please note that this is to be printed on legal 8.5x14 paper.
ABC Summer Countdown
To make the last few weeks not be another huge expense, I post a donation wish list for parents.  I ask for things like bubbles, donut holes, cookies, popcorn, and whatever else we will be needing.  I have a parent message board outside of my classroom.  This is where I post any important information or requests.
parent information board
On our last day, we do not have a kindergarten graduation or promotion.  We found that with 5 classes it is just too chaotic and the parents are truly disrespectful.  The last time we did it we kept having to stop and ask our audience to be quiet so they could hear the names being called. We asked them not to bring presents and balloons, but that fell on deaf ears.  Then we had the kids who didn't have anyone in the audience.  The look on their faces as they scanned the audience hoping to see someone there to congratulate them broke my heart.  

So last year we had a special movie day.  We did not tell the parents what we would be doing.  Instead we surprised our students with movie passes and coupons for popcorn and a drink.  We set up our multi-use room as if it were a theater and showed our students a movie.  We made a big production out of it and tried to make it a special event.  I'm not sure if we will do it again this year. We have a team meeting Monday to discuss the end of the year activities.  It is sometimes difficult to get 5 people to agree without making anyone feel as if they have been pressured into just going along.

This week will be a super busy week for me.  Tuesday, my family will be coming over to celebrate my birthday.  Luckily my husband offered to cook and host the occasion rather than trying to go out to dinner with my family.  Thursday is Open House so Wednesday will be a late night getting the last minute details finished and doing a room clean-up. I have a gazillion things to do this week.  Is it Friday yet? This time of year just seems so busy and this beautiful Spring weather has given me Spring Fever.  


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Counting week ends?

Tiffani said...

ACK- It is 26 not 36 I guess we could count weekends LOL Thanks for catching that.

Unknown said...

Oh this is gold, thank you!

Unknown said...

I start my 26 day count down TOMORROW!!!!

Heather Salley said...

I love this countdown! But when I download it, it isn't letting me edit it. It says it is secured. Is there a way to fix that? Thanks!

Tiffani said...

Heather- So sorry- I unlocked it. try it now

Tiffani said...

Yes Dana, I have a FREE version here